• 4 марта 2018, воскресенье
  • Санкт-Петербург, ул. Малая Морская, 24 | отель "Англетер" | зал Anna Pavlova 2

Studying in Germany at TU Darmstadt: Opportunities and Requirements, especially for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

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2244 дня назад
4 марта 2018 c 11:00 до 12:30
ул. Малая Морская, 24 | отель "Англетер" | зал Anna Pavlova 2

Members of the Technical University in Germany will present various opportunities to study Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. You will be informed about prerequisites to begin a Bachelor, Master or PhD study and about how to arrange an exchange study. Furthermore, the different study programmes like Mechatronics, Information and Communication Engineering and Information Systems Technology will be introduced.

Members of the Technical University in Germany will present various opportunities to study Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. You will be informed about prerequisites to begin a Bachelor, Master or PhD study and about how to arrange an exchange study. Furthermore, the different study programmes like Mechatronics, Information and Communication Engineering and Information Systems Technology will be introduced.


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